Thursday, July 17, 2008

how to Download movies songs data apps etc using the P2P torrent technology

What a torrent file is

It is a file which keeps knowledge of who's having what you want to

What a utorrent client is

it is a software that keeps updating who has your file and also downloads
the movie for you.

What Seeders are
ppl who are willing to give(upload) you the movie/file

What leechers are
ppl who want to take(download) the movie/file

Download utorrent client.
Click on the link and save the file

If you are not able to download , google "utorrent download" and get it
from there.

Install the utorent by double cliking it , and follow the steps.

Now you want is movies , and who has the movies the torrent files only can
To search for torrent files go to site , enter the movie
name you want , say "Welcome"

It will list out a lot of differnt torrent names . with their properties
like Size , date . seeders etc.

Click on any one of the names

Click on the "Download" link to download the torrent file , save the
torrent file to desktop

double click on the torrent file you have downloaded , the utorrent
program should startup with the file name .
Enter the path where you want the movie to be downloaded.

Ta-da , you have just started downloading your movie.

How fast your movie downloads , will depend on the bandwidth of your
internet , and also on the number of seeders
you have, so when you are downloading a torrent , choose a torrent which
has maximum number of seeders . (hint: on the isohunt , after your search ,
you can sort on the number of seeders .)

Do let me know if you have any other queries. Happy Downloading.)

Please and Please again , download only wats legal , I hold no responsibility Watsoever.

Abhishek Sagar